Sirius Geotechnical
We carry out geotechnical and environmental site investigations and provide geotechnical consultancy services.

Our experienced geotechnical engineers deliver a range of environmental and geotechnical services, and we’re proud to be established as one of the leading site investigation and brownfield consultancies in the country. Our involvement in the earliest stage of project appraisal is critical to a detailed understanding of ground conditions, risk and opportunity.
We thoroughly appreciate the importance of our remit in providing our developer clients with the confidence to commit to key land procurement or disposal decisions. From simple greenfield site investigations to the most complex contaminated land investigations, quantitative risk assessments and remediation designs, Sirius offers unparalleled expertise and customer service.
With the support of the Sirius Group’s wider contracting services we’re able to offer an unrivalled design and build land remediation service, combining the technical expertise of our highly qualified consultancy staff with the operational and commercial strength of our contracting group.
With Sirius by your side, you’ll have direct access to industry leading environmental and geotechnical engineers and experts operating from offices across the UK, with services including:
Our environmental and geotechnical services are, of course, available as a stand-alone service wherever required. However, the full advantage of using Sirius and our unique offering in the marketplace is realised by combining some or all of the services listed below in a truly integrated and cost effective approach.
No other company in the industry combines such a comprehensive package of integrated in-house services to prepare fully engineered and enabled sites.
Our design and build proposals are available as fixed-price contract solutions, where Sirius accepts and manages ground risk, and delivers full regulatory approval with institutionally recognised warranties.
Our geotechnical services are quite simply designed to give you confidence you can build on.
Our geotechnical engineers and consultants are always happy to offer further information and advice, so to learn more about how our geotechnical services can help move your project forward, please drop us a line at info@thesiriusgroup.com, or contact us via any of our UK offices
Sirius provides a full range of development services to our clients across several industry sectors.
Whatever stage you’re at, Sirius Group can help!
Send us a quick enquiry or call a local office, offices listed below.
How can we help?