Our experienced consultants and contractors provide all the early development advice, ground investigations, and remediation and enabling solutions you need in one convenient place. We understand the importance of a smooth transition between each stage of your project – delays mean losses to your business, so our teams work closely together to keep up with timescales for maximum efficiency.
We recognise that risks in the ground in terms of the effects on costs, foundation solutions and construction programmes are fundamental issues in successful retail development and returns on investment – and we’ve built our business on finding solutions to managing ground risk for our clients.
We’ve been working with major PLC food retailers and general developers on retail-only and mixed- use schemes across the UK since 2003. In that time, we’ve faced and solved pretty much every technical and operational challenge in the ground you could imagine. Our clients trust us to deliver exceptional levels of integrated support, and that’s exactly what we do – hence our unparalleled retention rates.
Our support starts in the ground: we offer a comprehensive UK wide site investigation and geo-environmental consultancy service, which when linked to the operational and commercial advice available from our contracting operation, combines to give crucial early advice on viability and risks associated your proposed development.
Working with your wider design and project management teams we’re able to develop optimum solutions to get your project out of the ground on time and on-budget.
Advance enabling solutions are often the preferred contracting route as they provide flexibility and programme gains, while the detailed construction design and build procurement process continues in parallel.
Having often been involved with the project from the earliest site investigation stage Sirius is uniquely placed to deliver fixed price, fully warranted design and build enabling solutions for your schemes.
Sirius’ services cover a wide scope of disciplines, all using highly skilled and experienced in-house teams:
Our services are all available as individual offerings, however we are able to add real value, programme advantage and risk management by combining our services specifically for your project – creating an integrated solution from one company you can trust.
Our consultants and contractors have the technical knowledge to ensure that our solutions add tangible value across the project lifecycle. It’s our upmost priority to get ensure that your retail development is effectively managed and delivered according to your exact specifications.
To learn more about our retail development services or to speak to one of our experienced consultants under no obligation, please contact us on info@thesiriusgroup.com, or via any of our UK offices.
Sirius provides a full range of development services to our clients across several industry sectors.
Whatever stage you’re at, Sirius Group can help!
Send us a quick enquiry or call a local office, offices listed below.
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